Our Mission
To maximize the health (physical, mental and spiritual) and wellness, economic security and connection to community for Active Adults 50+ in and around Amarillo, Texas.
Our Vision
Amarillo citizens as they age, regardless of income or place of residence, have access to a network of diverse programs and services, timely information available to access those programs and services, and a means to communicate suggestions for additional programming as needs arise.
The NeighborHub is Amarillo Parks & Recreation's digital community designed to connect Active Adults 50+ and their families with information about local activities, entertainment, and resources.
For active adults 50+ who want to be more engaged, informed and connected to their community.
Senior Services at the Warford Activity Center
Opened on April 26, 2023, the 50+ area is dedicated to senior resources and programs.

Warford Activity Center
Membership includes access to amenities such as an indoor swimming pool and a weight/cardio room.
Community Built
Senior Services is the result of more than 4 years of research about senior programming. Following a Blueprint Study completed in January 2015, the City of Amarillo collaborated with the Amarillo Area Foundation, Mary E. Bivins Foundation and Baptist Community Services to develop and deliver an infrastructure and programming plan for senior services in Amarillo.
The Amarillo City Council appointed 15 members to the 21st Century Senior Services Development Advisory Board to oversee the development of the infrastructure and programming plan.
One result of the work and research was a Center Without Walls concept. This concept is a program delivery model maximizing resources and community partnerships while leveraging technology.
By implementing the model, we have developed physical and online environments to provide much-needed services to Active Adults 50+ in the Amarillo area.